Mummy 14th March 2015

Memorial of Wee Li Today is 2nd anniversary from the day you had left us suddenly. Time will not stop no matter how. Deep inside my heart it is still hurt when I thought of the moment I found you on your bed. Why???. A lot of question mark appeared in my head.  Mummy accepted the fact that you were no more with us physically but I will always keep you inside my heart for the rest of my life. A lot of signs appeared cannot be explained. This morning around 5.55am, our alarm suddenly go off even though we did not arm the alarm. Son, is this you trying to tell us that you were home? While having chanting at Nirwana, dad felt white light at the side. We took it that it is you trying to acknowledge that you are in good place and blessed.  Hope you are enlighten and be happy forever. Some of your friend still remember you. This is what we said true friends. Love you. Mummy